Imrana Bukhari


M.phil Botany

Imrana Bukhari Lecturer, Department of Botany, University of Okara. Ms. Imrana Bukhari joined the Department of Botany, University of Okara (former University of Education) as a Lecturer in October, 2008. She earned her M.Sc. and M.Phil. degree in Botany from the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad in 2007. She did her M.Phil. Research on the Foliar application of Urea on Sunflower under saline conditions, and her M.Sc. research was on Somatic Embryogenesis in Callus culture of Durum wheat. She is teaching students from various social and cultural back ground, possessing excellent administrative, verbal and written skills along with constructive and effective teaching methods that promote a stimulating learning environment. She delivers lectures using advanced teaching techniques to inspire and motivate them for higher level qualification and then future employment. She has taught various subjects including Diversity of plant, cytology genetics and evolution, plant physiology, phycology and bryology, plant taxonomy, plant biochemistry and molecular biology. Her field of specialization is plant physiology and she also have experience of plant tissue culture techniques. She also supervised and conduct research many students of BS and MS at department of Botany. She also has an excellent experience of administrative works in the Department of Botany. She has been Incharge internal Examination, Incharge department students’ affairs, Coordinator of BS (Hons) Evening programmes and incharge laboratory Department of Botany. She has been member of Admission committee, sports committee, Seminar and exhibition organizing committee, hardship committee and visiting staff recruitment committee, Department of Botany. She is also involved in course team activities and curriculum development for students, and has also been participating in the interviewing of potential students. Her work focuses specifically on research activities in her area of interest and she also worked closely with other colleuges for the development of Herbarium collection for department of Botany.

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